·         Asset allocation is the most significant decision investors can make about their wealth.
·         Investors make allocation decisions mostly by default, without thinking about it as a strategy about their wealth.
·         A sensible asset allocation decision aligns the assets to the investor’s needs.
·         It is strategic as it looks into the foreseeable future and builds the allocation bearing the risk, return and liquidity needs in mind.
·         In most cases, investors make asset allocation decisions without considering their own needs in terms of return, risk and liquidity.
·         They go ahead with the simplistic notion that building any kind of asset is good for them.
·         In asset allocation, three things matter most.
o        Why do you need the asset?
o        How much should you hold?
o        And for how long?
·         Therefore, the decision about assets and allocation is driven by the investor’s requirement from the asset and the period after which he needs the money.
·         What stops investors from taking sensible decisions about asset allocation?
·         The main reason is that most believe that any asset is helpful, even without strategic intent.
·         The other reason is that investors confuse strategy with tactics.
·         They think asset allocation means they should know when to enter or exit gold, equity or debt.
·         They believe they make money only when they get this right.
·         They ignore the advice that is aligned to their needs by looking at the market in the recent past.
·         They then panic, resign, give up, or turn over-confident about what they should do.
·         These emotional reactions may harm their long-term wealth.
·         Asset allocation is not about chasing the highest return.
·         Different assets do well in different phases of the economic cycle, and no one has perfected the art of predicting.
·         The greatest benefit of asset allocation is lower risk, because you do not bet too much on one thing.