1. Read the fine print carefully and understand the terms before signing any document, without leaving any blanks to prevent misuse.
2. Trade through registered brokers only, as they are regulated, which ensures that your trades are secure and you get a fair deal.
3. Give only specific power of attorney to your broker or wealth manager.
4. Never have cash transactions with your financial adviser or agent, as they are risky and illegal.
5. Evaluate your financial adviser, portfolio manager and relationship manager for knowledge, experience and integrity.
6. Trust the statements, contract notes and bills, but verify them too and point out discrepancies immediately.
7. Safeguard your documents for exercising your legal rights.
8. Give clear and precise instructions to your relationship manager, preferably in writing.
9. File written complaints and escalate them if unresolved.
10. Investigate any suspicious transactions or trades not specifically authorized by you.
11. Keep your profile updated to ensure that you don't miss any communication.
12. Avoid dealings with companies having dubious management.
13. Don't get lured by advertisements and sales talk of assured equity returns.
14. Housewives should beware of advertisements trying to lure them into buying financial products promising unrealistic returns for the homemaker.
15. Avoid dealing with multiple bankers and brokers to keep a proper check on your investments.
16. Trust only expert advice, especially if you are old, to avoid high risk investments.
17. Safeguard yourself against credit card and password frauds, especially on the internet.
18. Don't get attracted to freebies, as there is no free lunch.
19. Get the macro picture right before investing in a financial product.
20. Don't follow FIIs or MFs blindly and never trade on insider information.
21. Don't get misled by approvals from the government which may be insignificant.
22. Past performance does not indicate future performance.
23. Don't cancel insurance policies till you are covered again.
24. All mutual funds are not alike, and beware of loads and expenses.
25. Know your rights when facing lender's recovery agents.
2. Trade through registered brokers only, as they are regulated, which ensures that your trades are secure and you get a fair deal.
3. Give only specific power of attorney to your broker or wealth manager.
4. Never have cash transactions with your financial adviser or agent, as they are risky and illegal.
5. Evaluate your financial adviser, portfolio manager and relationship manager for knowledge, experience and integrity.
6. Trust the statements, contract notes and bills, but verify them too and point out discrepancies immediately.
7. Safeguard your documents for exercising your legal rights.
8. Give clear and precise instructions to your relationship manager, preferably in writing.
9. File written complaints and escalate them if unresolved.
10. Investigate any suspicious transactions or trades not specifically authorized by you.
11. Keep your profile updated to ensure that you don't miss any communication.
12. Avoid dealings with companies having dubious management.
13. Don't get lured by advertisements and sales talk of assured equity returns.
14. Housewives should beware of advertisements trying to lure them into buying financial products promising unrealistic returns for the homemaker.
15. Avoid dealing with multiple bankers and brokers to keep a proper check on your investments.
16. Trust only expert advice, especially if you are old, to avoid high risk investments.
17. Safeguard yourself against credit card and password frauds, especially on the internet.
18. Don't get attracted to freebies, as there is no free lunch.
19. Get the macro picture right before investing in a financial product.
20. Don't follow FIIs or MFs blindly and never trade on insider information.
21. Don't get misled by approvals from the government which may be insignificant.
22. Past performance does not indicate future performance.
23. Don't cancel insurance policies till you are covered again.
24. All mutual funds are not alike, and beware of loads and expenses.
25. Know your rights when facing lender's recovery agents.