1. If an investor already has SIPs in multiple MFs, he shouldn't add more new funds to invest his "long-term money", but increase his SIPs in existing funds instead.
2. Before doing so, he should review his existing portfolio structure to simplify it, goalwise and riskwise.
3. A Balanced fund (neutral cap bias), a Multicap fund (mid cap bias) and an ELSS fund (large cap bias) should suffice as a long-term portfolio, with periodic reviews and rebalancing.
4. The primary investment objective of a regular young earner and breadwinner should be to build a fund portfolio that is inflation-beating, clutter-free, and multiplies his regular savings by power of compounding.
5. It should allow him free mindspace and time to focus on his own career/vocation for his own advancement, to increase his investing potential further during his earning years, for a richer retired life.