1. Get real about your job and income
·      If you have been lucky to move your income up dramatically by switching jobs, negotiating smartly and taking risks, reassess it honestly.
·      Get ready to take a salary cut, a reduction in revenue, or a lower remuneration for your professional services.
·      Find a way to improve your skills, even if you have to take a sabattical, so that the income stream does not dry up.

2.    Recheck your insurance
·      If you are avoiding insurance as you were sold wrong products earlier, or had a bad run-in with insurance that you bought only to save, you may be shunning a product that holds merit during bad times.
·     The primary purpose of insurance is to protect your income from unexpected big losses.
·     Without the protection of insurance, your limited wealth may be lost in hospital bills, repairs and restoration, unexpected thefts and damages, and avoidable erosion.
·     Seek out protection that is well-defined, reasonably priced and adequate to cover you and your family.

3.    Repay debt and avoid leverage
·     A combination of high EMIs and risky jobs has taken a heavy toll on the happiness of several young couples.
·     To borrow is to use tomorrow’s income today.
·     When the income seems to be at risk, keep the charges on it to the minimum.
·     Review your loans.
o   Is the repayment stressing your finances?
o   Are the assets really needed?
o   Can the upgrade for the car wait?
o   Is there a point in keeping deposits at 8%, while loans at 12% are piling up?
o   Should the maturing bond be used to repay a loan?
·     A good quality household balance sheet will have to balance out the borrowings and income.

4.    Realign your assets to your needs
·     If your portfolio is primarily made up of your luxurious home, shares and derivatives, you need to rework the mix.
·     A part of your wealth should be amenable to being drawn down in instalments to help manage the loss of income, or generate adequate income to augment your needs.
·     You will, therefore, need assets that are liquid, flexible, and less volatile.
·     If your optimism for equity led to over-weighing it in your portfolio at the cost of debt, re-balance it.
·     If you invested in a holiday villa and now your job is at risk, you need a rethink.
·     It is more important to ask which asset will work for you now, instead of asking which asset is going to do well in the future.
·     If your children are likely to draw the money soon for higher education, you may not want to keep the corpus in equity, hoping for the next bull run.

5.    Risk is what you can bear, not what the market offers
·     The simplest definition of risk appetite in investing is about the downside you can suffer.
·     This is both about ability, in terms of the wealth that you have, and willingness, in terms of your attitude to losses.
·     You should, therefore, be factoring in risks to your future incomes.
·     Your accumulated wealth will give you the ability to take risks with your money, but your investments should also have a defined downside, more so when you know your ability to replenish your wealth would be lower in the future than in the past.
·     Ensure that you have not taken bets that will cost you your coat.

6.    Asset allocation always works
·     Ignore the gurus and pandits who read the crystal ball.
·     Discount all advice about what the future holds.
·     Future is but an imagined set of events, and can, therefore, be only about probabilities, not certainties.
·     Give up the eternal search for the next best investing opportunity, and stop asking what will work next.
·     Ensure that your money is put to work across assets, and do not indulge in a risky asset beyond your personal capacity for risk.
·     A core portfolio, comprising your home, gold, and debt funds, is your base.
·     A wealth portfolio, consisting of shares, ESOPs and mutual funds, is the add-on facilitated by your healthy earning, good savings and sensible investment.
·     Your speculative positions, right from that house you booked for fun, to the commodities you traded as pastime, is the froth.
·     Protect the core, be sensible with the wealth, and cut out the froth.
·     Your ship might yet sail home to safety, weathering the storm.