1. Usually, larger the fund size, lower is the expense ratio as any cut in fee is added to your returns.
2. Between funds with similar average maturity, NAV volatility, and return, choose the one with a lower expense ratio.
3. A Direct plan has a lower expense ratio since it does not include payments to distributors in the form of commissions.
4. This eventually results in higher returns over a period of time as more of the investor's money remains invested.
5. The best predictor of performance among peers is not their past returns or star ratings, but lower expense ratio, especially within debt funds.
2. Between funds with similar average maturity, NAV volatility, and return, choose the one with a lower expense ratio.
3. A Direct plan has a lower expense ratio since it does not include payments to distributors in the form of commissions.
4. This eventually results in higher returns over a period of time as more of the investor's money remains invested.
5. The best predictor of performance among peers is not their past returns or star ratings, but lower expense ratio, especially within debt funds.