1. Reviewing each mutual fund of one's portfolio periodically helps to assess how it is doing, and whether it is suitable for meeting pre-determined needs and goals. 
2. Instead of monitoring its performance in isolation, comparing it over different time frames with category peers is more apt.
3. Switching should be considered only on consistent under-performance or undesirable changes in fundamental attributes like expense ratio, investment mandate, style or team. 
4. Keeping a clear time horizon in mind while investing, without bothering about intermittent volatility, is desirable as investing only to make money is a vague idea.
5. When all funds are linked with various goals in mind, it will give a better idea when to switch or exit them.
6. Even after the selection process, allocating money equitably is vital too at the outset.
7. A long-term SIP investment is desirable for cost averaging, instead of lumpsum investment (in three months), for all funds in one's portfolio.
8. This can be achieved by making a matrix and allocating resources at the beginning of the year through SIP mandates.
9. This method makes it easier to take decisions at the end of the year towards additional allocations, switches, weeding out, goal-based redemptions and even rebalancing.
10. It also enables one to shut out hasty decisions often taken on the basis of "daily market noise".