1. Real estate makes for a poor financial investment because the ticket size is huge, and liquidity is poor. 
2. The entire investment has to be sold at one go. 
3. You may or may not be able to sell when you want to.
4. In a slump, entire markets disappear for long periods.
5. The myth of real estate being a great investment is mostly due to mathematical illiteracy about compound growth. 
6. The real estate investment model has changed, and as far as the individual buyer is concerned, it has changed for the worse.
7. This is because the developer captures much of the value in advance from the buyer in the current selling price.
8. Therefore, it's only logical that savers buy only one house, the one in which they are going to live in. 
9. If your lifestyle and family need many houses, then that's fine but don't consider it as a financial investment.